For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel [Ezra 7:10]
The biblical figure of Ezra is not particularly renowned among Christian circles, but he performed a crucial function among the people of Israel in their return to the land of Israel after the exile. His main task was to revive the spiritual life of the exiles upon their return to the newly formed district of Judah. Scripture describes him as a man wholly committed to God’s word, and Ezra 7:10 says that he had “set his heart to the study of the law of the Lord, to do it, and to teach its statutes in all Israel.” These crucial characteristics forge the driving force behind Ezra Seven Ten, which seeks to encourage all disciples of Christ to study God’s word and practice what they learn. In doing so, leading by example, they will inevitably teach those around them. Like Ezra, the ministry’s teachings primarily draw upon Israel’s socio-historical context—its land, language, and literature.
Jezreel Valley
The land of Israel, which spans from Dan to Eilat, forms the crucial stage on which biblical events occurred. Understanding Israel’s geography creates a clearer lens through which we can interpret the biblical texts.
Pesher Habakkuk
The Bible was written in three ancient languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Increasing our knowledge of these languages helps to uncover a deeper and richer understanding of the Scripture.
Theodotus Inscription
The vast repository of ancient literature–including Ancient Near Eastern libraries and repositories, Second Temple literature and ancient inscriptions–form a crucial role in deepening our understanding of biblical accounts.
Dr. David Emanuel (the Director of Ezra Seven Ten) is a British citizen who graduated from the University of London with a Master’s degree in Computer Science in 1997, and soon after he relinquished a successful career in computing and telecommunications to pursue his interest in Hebrew Bible. His studies lead him to Israel, where he lived for 11 years and completed a Master’s Degree in Bible and Ancient Near East, and a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible, both at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem under Professor Yair Zakovitch. Currently, Dr. Emanuel works at Alliance University, and teaches in classes in Hebrew Bible (Old Testament, Hebrew Language, and Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins. His latest book, An Intertextual Commentary to the Psalter, uncovers juxtaposition and intertextual strategies in Book I of the Psalms
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